Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Mosaic Jewelery Box

Hey my new idea is up! It's a Mosaic-ed Jewelery Box!!

Imagine this DIY yet looking exquisite jewelery box on your make up table, how nice would it be? Even better if it's a gift from your dear friends or loved ones.

I used yellow, beige, white and shimmering gold colour, (which 3 of them are not available for sale, yet) but you can always spur your creativity with the 12 colours available right?

If you love to have your ideas or mosaic-ed items featured here and share with the other readers, don't be shy to send it to mosaicsquare@gmail.com.

Quick, SolidColous and FrostedColours are still available!


  1. Where to get the box ?

  2. Hi,

    This set of mosaic jewelery box DIY kit is available at RM69. Yellow, Green, Blue colour themes are available currently. :)

  3. What's the size of the box ?

  4. The dimension is 10.5 x 8 x 7(height) in cm.


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